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WCUMC Marriage Ministry Blog

21 October 2024

Helping couples re-engage and rejuvenate their marriages. WCUMC Marriage Ministry Blog
  • What Ford vs. Ferrari Teaches us About Marriage
    Steve and I saw “Ford vs. Ferrari” a couple of weeks ago and, wow . . . what a great film! Matt Damon plays Carroll Shelby, an American car designer, and Christian Bale plays famous race car driver, Ken Miles. These two actors are in my top 10 when it comes to their acting caliber, […]
  • Tend Now, Avoid a Mess Later
    Last weekend was awful. Steve and I spent all day Saturday and Sunday after church cleaning out a flower bed next to our house. I can’t begin to tell you how many weeds I pulled, how many shrubs I dug up and replaced, how many bags of mulch I hauled from my car to the […]
  • They Are Not Your Enemy
    I am ordained in the United Methodist Church and serve a United Methodist Church and have been United Methodist my whole life. I adore Wesley’s theology of grace, the quadrilateral, and the basic Wesleyan way to live life: “Do good, do no harm, and stay in love with God.” I still feel this way, both […]
Supporting Your Marriage

Our marriage ministry wants to support couples as best we can. Below you'll find resources and some great at-home date ideas you can check out at your leisure. Remember, we are here to support you. Reach out to Rev. Monica Humpal if you have specific needs or prayer requests.

  • SYMBIS blog has great posts related to helping marriages
Marriage Ministry Events

Married couples are invited to join us for a delicious meal, great conversation, and fun games (with PRIZES!)! Our theme, "I love you, but sometimes you drive me crazy!", is definitely something we can all relate to! Our message from Ted Cunningham will have us laughing and learning as we explore ways to enrich our marriages. We have a delicious fajita bar waiting for you so we hope you will join us!

Marriage Ministry Dinner
Saturday, November 9
5:15-7:30 pm
Cost: $40/couple

Includes a catered meal, marriage enrichment program, and child care (and we feed the kids dinner!).  And, we DO cater to dietary needs

For More Information

Rev. Monica Humpal

Associate Pastor of Engagement
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P: 704-664-3680